Power Engineering
The trainer need a few set of associated panels which are mounted in a light weight sturdy aluminium profile flat demo panel system, Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits, Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure and colorful screw-less overlays showing diagrams and its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection, Set of instructor guide and student workbook.

Generation Trainer (Model: XPO-PET/GEN)
Item Code: XPO-PET-GEN
Generation Trainer need a few set of associated panels (7-8 nos. typically) which are mounted in a light weight sturdy aluminum profile flat demo panel system, Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrange-ments for high voltage circuits, Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screw less overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection, Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Power Transmission Line Trainer (Model: XPO-PET/TL)
Power Transmission Line Trainer need a few set of associated panels (7-8 nos. typically) which are mounted in a light weight sturdy aluminum profile flat demo panel system.Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrange-ments for high voltage circuits, Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screw less overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection, Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.
Smart Power System Trainer (Model: XPO-SPS)
Salient Features:
- The objective of this trainer is to develop a real time automated power system network and control test-bed at the laboratory level to enhance student understanding about the power system testing and validation.
- Trainer offers laboratory experiments and their analysis giving students a high level of knowledge to understand the concepts of power system engineering fundamentals and the required demonstrations needed for smart grid implementation in the real world.
- SPS system consists of 4 nos. of power engineering setups viz; Generation, Synchronisation, Double Bus Bar, Transmission & Distribution, 4 Nos. of integrated Numeric protection relays like Generator Protection, Synchronisation relay, distance protection, Transformer protection, 3 nos. of RTU with Ethernet & RS485/MODBUS ports, 3 nos. of touch panel local station HMI’s, 1 No. of supervisory controller / touch panel PC with latest SCADA software, preformed patch cords/cables to integrate seamlessly various parts into single system, 8 nos of aluminum profile tables with under trolleys / drawers etc.
- Table top resources needed by respective setups are placed on Trolley below the table having wiring access through slot provided in the centre of setup tables.
- The individual modular flat demo panel setups can also be worked jointly (automated SCADA) or severally (manual expts) thereby accommodating more student capacity whenever time demands.
- Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords for high voltage circuits.
- Options: a) 2nd Generating Station may be added using three phase alternator using two more setups, of generation & synchronization respectively, with additional HMI & RTU. b) A DFIG setup may be included to simulate wind power generation. The generation setup here will include AC to AC IGBT based VFD to illustrate wind power grid tied generator. c) A lab scaled solar power based grid tied setup may be included.
- Useful for Post Graduate projects & research purpose
- Student friendly Instructor Guide & Student Workbooks giving detail experiment procedures, wiring schedule & tabular results.

Generation Trainer (Model: XPO-SPS/GEN)
Item Code: XPO-SPS-GEN
VFD drive is used to control brushless prime mover’s speed in manual using RTU/SCADA as well as in auto mode using synchronization relay. Multi function meters read the input voltage & frequency of generator output along with power analyser data. The Generator/ alternator coupled with prime mover have brought out six terminals from three phase 3 windings (RYBs). The every alternate terminal of RYB is shorted and connected together to form Star connection (Neutral) at the output of generator. The relay panel carries shrouded sockets to connect Generator Protection relay mounted below. The CT panel and PT panel provide necessary interface between real world & relay. Emergency stop mushroom switch is provided with security key lock on the profile rack. Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screwless overlays showing circuits dia rams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection . Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Synchronization Trainer (Model: XPO-SPS/Sync)
Salient Features:
- To synchronize the Generator with grid, this synchronization setup is used.
- Automatic operation can be performed in two ways namely; from screen based generator control panel using increment and decrement screen buttons or using synchronization relay whose 4 contacts (incr/decr) are read by RTU through 9 pin D (M) connector on synchronising relay panel & outputs two AO’s through 9 pin D connector on VFD panel one for excitation (V) control & second for speed (f) control.
- Emergency stop mushroom switch is provided with security key lock on the vertical profile member.
- Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits
- Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screwless overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection
- Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Double Bus Bar Trainer (Model: XPO-SPS/DBB)
Salient Features: •The Model represents a double bus bar switching station with 9 switching bays. It is equipped in such a way that the requirements of the both the grid and the power station operation are dealt in practice oriented way. Two bus bar segments are represented. Here the interlocking conditions in a switching station can be learned in order to conduct safe switching operations, as the situation requires, on the grid and power plant. •The Double bus bar setup is used for 3 bus and four bus load flow study. •Can use different KVA rating grid transformer in absence of actual generation setup to simulate source of power. •Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits •Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screwless overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection •Useful for Post Graduate projects and research purpose. •Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Power Transmission (Model: XPO-SPS-TLD)
This setup is used for transmission line study for short as well as long line PI model, ferrenti effects, load regulation/efficiency calculations, symmetric/asymmetric fault study. This setup also covers protection of transmission line for distance protection using multi function numeric distance protection relay and distribution transformer protection using multi function numeric transformer protection relay. The protection relays are connected to RTU/SCADA over RS485 which display all fault records on SCADA. Emergency stop mushroom switch is provided with security key lock on the profile rack. Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screwless overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Doubly Fed Induction Generation Trainer
Salient Features: •2 models: 0.5HP (3HP) power ratings •The 3 phase slip ring alternator acts as DFIG coupled to trunnion mounted DC shunt motor simulating variable speed wind power (F1) with electronic torque & speed sensors mounted to determine wind power input accurately. •Manual synchronization with grid provided using 3 lamp method & synchroscope. •Variable frequency & variable amplitude VFD provided to supply rotor winding of DFIG (F2). •16X2 LCD is provided to observe VFD frequency •Multifunction Measurement AC analysers (MMM) read the rotor input voltage /power and stator voltage /power & frequency. •Experiments with ON grid & OFF grid measurements to verify F1± F2 algebraic addition of shaft frequency & VFD frequency to match supply grid frequency. •Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits •Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screw less overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection •Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Double Bus Bar Trainer-PET (Model: XPO-PET/DBB)
- Facilitates study of busbars operation & 3 and 4 bus load power flow study.
- Table top modular double bus bar switching station with 9 switching bays. It is equipped in such a way that the requirements of the both the grid and the power station operation are dealt in practice oriented way. Two bus bar segments are represented. Here the interlocking conditions in a switching station can be learned in order to conduct safe switching operations, as the situation requires, on the grid and power plant.
- Employs 2 nos of 3 phase board supply using EMT1 panel consisting off protection MCB + O/L relay to simulate 2 generators.
- Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits
- Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screwless overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection
- Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

Doubly Fed Induction Generation Trainer (Model : XPO-PET/DFIG)
- 2 models: 0.5HP (3HP) power ratings
- The 3 phase slip ring alternator acts as DFIG coupled to trunnion mounted DC shunt motor simulating variable speed wind power (F1) with electronic torque & speed sensors mounted to determine wind power input accurately.
- Manual synchronization with grid provided using 3 lamp method & synchroscope.
- Variable frequency & variable amplitude VFD provided to supply rotor winding of DFIG (F2).
- 16X2 LCD is provided to observe VFD frequency
- Multifunction Measurement AC analysers (MMM) read the rotor input voltage /power and stator voltage /power & frequency.
- Experiments with ON grid & OFF grid measurements to verify F1± F2 algebraic addition of shaft frequency & VFD frequency to match supply grid frequency.
- Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits
- Each panel has ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure, and colorful screw less overlays showing circuits diagrams & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection
- Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.

DC Network Analyzer (XPO-DNA)
- Simulates 2 & 3 wire DC transmission line and study load distribution under various conditions.
- Operates at scaled down ±12V voltages for convenience of learning without shock. Optionally high voltage (±200V) setup offered.
- Facilitates easy and safe wiring by students due to use of 4mm sturdy Shrouded banana patch cords and shrouded socket arrangements for high voltage circuits.
- Aluminum profile Sturdy (5x4) Modular Flat Panel system, carrying various components housed in plastic enclosures (panels) with colorful screwless overlays showing circuit schematic & its connection tag numbers for easy understanding and connection.
- Set of Instructor Guide & Student Workbook.
- Results can be verified using PC based simulator (Optional).